Job Description and Job Specification

Job Description and Job Specification, these two terms are most commonly used in the HRM sector, especially under the topic of Job Analysis.

Job Description is a broad and written statement of a specific job in the organization, based on the findings of job analysis. Job Description generally includes duties, purpose, responsibilities, scope and working conditions of a job along with the title of the job and the name or the designation of the person to whom the employee will report.

On the other hand Job Specification means the skills, abilities and knowledge, experience, educational qualifications that a person is required to perform a particular job.

Both Job Description and Job Specification are essential parts of Job Analysis. Even though preparing job description and job specification are not legal requirements but play a vital role in recruitment, selection and placement of employees to the right job.


As I mentioned earlier, Job description and job specification are two integral parts of job analysis. They define a job completely and guide both employer and employee on how to go about the whole process of recruitment and selection. Both data sets are extremely relevant for creating a right fit between job and talent, evaluate performance and analyze training needs and measuring the worth of a particular job.



  1. This is good article about job specification .in human resource management process job analysis and job description is main part for the job analysis. In your article you have well explained that.good luck

  2. both are most important when recruit employees to the organization. These will be the answers when any kind of work issues arise. Hr department is more concentrated in this section in every organizations. Good Article


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