Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, as a theory to apply in HRM

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a well known motivational theory in psychology which is now commonly used in many fields including Sociology, Business Management, Human Resource Management and many more. According to the theory, humans have five levels of needs and they act to satisfy their unmet needs. From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are; Physiological Needs, Safety Needs, Belongingness & Love Needs, Esteem Needs, Self- actualization.

According to the theory itself, needs which are mentioned lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied first before attending higher needs of the hierarchy, which means that when one set of needs is satisfied, it ceases to be a motivating factor. Thereafter the next set of needs in the hierarchy order takes its place.

When we apply this theory into the Workplace, it illustrates the importance of employee motivation so well. So, putting this theory into practical context, HR professionals can figure out so many factors in relation to Employee motivation.

Let’s examine Needs one by one in the perspective of HRM:

Physiological Needs- In the working environment, this means having a place to work, regular monthly salary, comfortable working environment and essential facilities (Such as a tea/ coffee making facilities, resting areas etc.)

Safety Needs-These needs include having formal contracts of employment as well as benefits such as a pension scheme and sick pay. The work place should always free from hazards. And also the management needs to take necessary measures to ensure health and safety of the employees.

Social Needs (Belongingness and Love Needs) - This can be promoted through team work. Employees need to feel that they are a part of the organization and its culture in order to stay engaged. If the employees tend to feel isolated and hide their true competencies that leads to employee stress and demotivation. Having a chance to have on and off casual (informal) communication among co workers is also a healthy way in acquisition of social needs of employees.

Self Esteem – Employee reward systems, promotion schemes are more important for employees at this level. And also at the self esteem level respect for others and praise is important. Recognition at the work place, is one of the key motivational factors for producing great work.

Self – actualization – The top level of the hierarchy- The self actualized employee continually and willingly aims for improvement, seeks challenges and purses meaningfulness of his/her work. HR professionals can fulfill their employees’ self actualization by implementing regular talent planning meetings, having career development discussions with employees etc.
How the Hierarchy of Needs can work in an Organization


This simple motivation tool remains important and as such it can help HR professionals achieve many organizational goals, such as improved staff retention and employee engagement, as long as they understand how to apply it in a practical manner and continually adapt to meet their employees’ changing needs.

