In simple terms employee motivation can be defined as the process of stimulating people to accomplish company goals. It further says that higher level employee motivation leads to better productivity while lower level employee motivation leads to many damages to the company itself. Since a dedicated workforce is the greatest asset of any company, the company should take necessary steps to have a happy and content work force by its own.

The reasons for employees to get motivated can be vary from person to person and those factors which are stimulating employees behavior can be,

  •         Desire for Money
  •          Recognition
  •         Job-satisfaction
  •          Team work etc.

Therefore, the HRM professionals should know well to track the needs and wants of employees through a proper incentive plan.

Importance of Employee Motivation

  •          Improves level of efficiency of employees
  •         Leads to achieve company goals
  •         Builds friendly and healthy working environment inside the company
  •         Leads to stability of work force

However, today with the recent COVID - 19 pandemic situation, regardless of how big or small the companies are, almost all the companies around the world had to change most HRM Strategies which are common in practice. When “WORK FROM HOME” was implemented as a safety precaution to minimize the spread of COVID 19, the HR Managers had to find different ways to motivate employees who are working from home because the transition from working physically in the office to work from home can leave any employee feeling lost and unmotivated by experiencing the physical absence of colleagues, office support and infrastructure. 

The ways to keep employees motivated while they work from home


In such a remote work environment ‘Communication’ is the key to keep employees motivated yet it is itself the first of foremost challenges of remote working. Therefore using updated technology to have face to face conversations with remote employees through video conferencing etc. would be a great solution to overcome such situations in relation to employee motivation. The company can build an online community for employees to facilitate professional and personal conversations among colleagues even to have informal communication among colleagues which also encourages team spirit among them.

Encouraging employees to learn a skill or two in-line with their career growth

The HRM can encourage remote employees to learn new skills and explore their passions to grow professionally are also another way of motivating remote employees.

Recognize employee efforts and achievements

Recognition is one of the most effective methods to make employees feel engaged. When employees are recognized for their work, they feel a sense of accomplishment that makes them feel engaged and motivates them to do their best.

Offer Continuous Feedback

Open and honest feedback for remote employees will also motivate them to be more involved and progressive in their approach. For this, continuous communication with employees and conduct of hybrid meetings can be greatly useful.

Use of Updated Technology

In the context of remote working, technology plays a crucial role to keep the organization together and connected. Digital technologies make it easier to build online communities and conduct virtual meetings than ever before.

During working from home, employees need e-mails, video conferencing tools, instant messaging tools, specific task-related tools, access to online data storage, etc. for working efficiently. So the company can invest in tools that will make it easy for employees to participate in work activities and accomplish their tasks. When the employees feel that the company provides them the required facilities to work from home, that will also help to keep the employees motivated and connected.


Keeping employees motivated during the epidemic and helping them continue to work remotely can be a challenging task for every HRM Professional. However, adopting some basics techniques to keep the employees motivated can go a long way for ‘productive’ remote working.



  1. Employee motivation leads to better productivity while lower level employee motivation leads to many damages to the company itself. Since a dedicated workforce is the greatest asset of any company, the company should take necessary steps to have a happy and content work force by its own.👍


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