"Employee Satisfaction"

“Content group of employees is considered the greatest asset that a company could ever own.”

If the employees are happy & satisfied and are grateful and dedicated to their company, that depicts so many positive aspects in relation to the role of Human Resource Management of the company.

However, Employee Satisfaction is a very broad term use by HRM professionals.

What is Employee Satisfaction

In simple terms it describes the level of happiness or contentment of an employee for his/her job. Therefore it is considered one of the key elements. Typically, the factors that make up employee satisfaction include remuneration, stress, leadership, teamwork, management, employee experience, company culture, work-life balance and many more.

There is a strong correlation between employee satisfaction and workplace productivity.

Importance of Employee Satisfaction

When the employees of a company are happy and content, it helps strengthen the company in many ways.

  • Lower Turnover – When the turnover is low it helps the company in thousand ways to save its money from unnecessary recruitments, employee trainings etc. Therefore if employees are satisfied, there is a less tendency in them to leave the company.


  • Higher Productivity – When employees are satisfied with their work and their working environment, that spontaneously provokes the employees to give their maximum input to their work and finally it results in higher productivity.


  • Increased Profits – Keeping employees safe and satisfied can lead to higher productivity and increase in profit.


  • Loyalty – When employees feel the company has their best interests at heart, they often support its mission and work hard to help achieve company objectives.



How to improve Employee Satisfaction


  •          Offering a competitive salary/ compensations and other benefits
  •           Transparency among decisions taken by the management
  •           Handling employee grievances effectively
  •          Offering training opportunities
  •           Introducing extra-curricular activities
  •           Respect and recognition for employees



How to measure Employee Satisfaction


  •          Introducing Employee Suggestion Box
  •           Conducting employee satisfaction surveys
  •           Introducing Employee net promoter score


“Satisfied employees tend to add extra effort to job performance, then work harder and better.”






  1. If the employees are happy & satisfied and are grateful and dedicated to their company, that depicts so many positive aspects in relation to the role of Human Resource Management of the company.

  2. Employee Satisfaction good job well done


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